↝      About

Jérôme Stephan is a programmer and artist based in and around Berlin, Germany. Working with game studios, musicians and other clients all over the world. Loving to stroll the fine line between programming and art, leaning into either side depending on the kind of project and keen on using every opportunity to learn more.
Further reading in my CV →

↝      Selected Clients

Mercedes-Benz    •    Pepsi    •    1&1    •    Maxon    •    Capri-Sun    •    Fendt    •    Nike

↝      Impressum

For information concerning ownership and authorship of content, this site's impressum can be found here. →

↝      Meta

This page is self-hosted on my trusty Raspberry Pi and was created by me using 11ty, 11ty-image, Pug and TailwindCSS. For a deep dive, feel free to head to its GitHub repository. →

